The Value of Internships — Especially for a Recent College Grad

Being a recent college grad, you tend to hear the same phrases—Congratulations! Welcome to the real world! So what now? What are your plans for the future? How’s the job search going? —And so on. For me, my answers are simple—Thank you! I plan to finish my internship at Mustang Marketing, start my full-time career

The Importance of Taking Time Off

  The perks and pains of a small business are well-chronicled: the intimacy and camaraderie that comes with knowing your coworkers so well is often met with high-pressure demands and everyone wearing multiple hats to get the job done. When one member of the team isn’t at their best, the company as a whole suffers.

Reboot Your New Year’s Resolutions

By Chris Barrett Here’s a phrase you aren’t often thinking about at the end of April: New Year’s resolutions. These tried-and-true (and often failed and forgotten) goals represent the optimism and opportunity that comes with a new year and a fresh start. For businesses, these opportunities can be huge, and missing them—or forgetting about them

What’s a Bad Review Worth?

Social media has cracked open the communication possibilities and realities between businesses and customers. It has added a new dimension to marketing, to PR, to community outreach, to volunteering, to customer service, and it has revolutionized “word-of-mouth.” Social media also creates a unique space for instant and honest feedback. A resulting highlight, for review platforms