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Challenges at Work

Sometimes the biggest obstacle of the day is you.

Your phone rings, social media buzzes, coworkers make noise, your mind wanders and before you know it, your deadline is here. You start to panic and stress about your project. You become so stressed, that you aren’t able to focus on your high-level, creative work. How could you? How could anyone possibly stay productive in all of this chaos?

We’ve been there — trust us. Mustang Marketing is a lively, chaotic, big personality company with high-level, attention-demanding, strategic projects that always seem to have tight deadlines. So, we’ve learned a few tricks along the way.

Although you might not be able to control external factors — coworkers, phones, those pesky search engines filled with adorable pictures of kittens — you can control your actions.

Here are some tips from the Mustang team to help you reach your maximum productivity:

Manage Your Time 

Decide how much time you need for your assigned task and block out phone calls, emails and other distractions to … focus.

Take a Break 

Go outside and walk away from your tasks for some fresh air. Give your mind a break and you’ll come back reenergized and ready to finish the task! A cool breeze, sunshine and open air may just inspire the creativity you need.

Stay Positive 

Remind yourself that you can do anything! And, you can. The less you stress, the more positive and productive you’ll be. Trust us.

Reward Yourself 

Every time you finish a big task or project, find a reward and treat yourself to something nice to keep you motivated and in the game.