There’s [Sometimes] an App for That

Earlier this month, the digital news source Mashable released an article detailing the inevitable death of web design. The supposed “symptoms” of its downfall ranged from template commoditization and design pattern maturity to mobile device complications and the preference for artificial intelligence over human decision-making when it comes to web design. Facebook home pages were

Defying the Millennial Career Stereotype

Millennial. For some, this term brings to mind positive traits, such as tech savvy and an entrepreneurial spirit. For others, it strikes a more negative chord, bringing to mind laziness and a sense of entitlement. One thing is certain, however, Millennials are the subject of a great deal of stereotypes. Among the most fascinating of

The Value of Internships — Especially for a Recent College Grad

Being a recent college grad, you tend to hear the same phrases—Congratulations! Welcome to the real world! So what now? What are your plans for the future? How’s the job search going? —And so on. For me, my answers are simple—Thank you! I plan to finish my internship at Mustang Marketing, start my full-time career