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Mile 17

“One foot in front of the other.

One foot in front of the other.

Keep going. You’re making progress.

You’re getting somewhere.

One foot in front of the other.”

That was my mantra when I met the hill at mile 17 of the Long Beach Marathon.

For the record, I am not a “runner.” I don’t wake up at 5 a.m. to have the streets all to myself. I don’t have the latest running gear or strong opinions about the word “jogging.” Before this endeavor, my thoughts about marathons and carb loading were defined by binge watching Netflix and going out for Italian. I wasn’t a runner, but I did have a goal.

On October 12, I ran 26.2 miles two days before my 26th birthday. You have a lot of time to think while running a marathon – in my case, a grueling five hours and 24 minutes – and somewhere between exhaustion, dehydration, self-doubt and the finish line, I had an epiphany on the importance goal setting has played in my life.

Strategies, resolutions and goals aren’t just for corporations; they are key to your personal success and, more importantly, your happiness. Goals help you figure out who you are and what you want. They focus you. They drive you. They inspire, thrill and even scare you. They also can also be incredibly rewarding. Plus, if you make your goals known, others will likely rally, support and help you get there.

So, with the New Year upon us once again, before you snub those resolutions think about what you really want out of life. It’s yours for the taking. And, when you hit your “Mile 17” and want to quit, just remember…

“One foot in front of the other. Keep going. You’re making progress. You’re getting somewhere.”

Here is some more information on goal setting, and here is an easy goal to start with: say “thank you!” It’s a lot harder to accomplish significant goals on your own. So, to those that have helped you with your achievements big or small, give your thanks along with your,

“Happy New Year!”